
Week 2: information about first case Diavik Mine, Canada

The Diavik Diamond Mine is Canada’s largest diamond mine. The mine site is located in Canada’s remote wilderness on a 20 square kilometer island, at Lac de Gras, Northwest Territories, approximately 300 kilometers from Yellowknife, the territorial capital, and just 220 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle.

Here is the map for Diavik Diamond Mine:

The commodity most in demand is diesel fuel for power and equipment operation.

Diavik’s wind farm began delivering power to its grid on 28 September 2012.


· Approximately five million litre – or ten per cent – reduction in use of diesel for power per annum

· Diesel is used both for power and mobile equipment

· Reduction of 100 fuel tanker truckload equivalents per year

· This represents around six per cent of Diavik’s total annual fuel resupply on the winter road 12,000 tonnes – or six per cent – reduction in carbon dioxide per annum

· Six per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per annum


· Four Enercon E70 generators

· Gearless direct-drive design operating to -40°C

· Total installed and demonstrated capacity: 9.2MW 17GWh annual production – enough to keep 32,300 60 watt light bulbs burning for a year

· Eight year estimated payback


· Tower hub height: 64m

· Turbine rotor diameter: 71m

· Total turbine height: 100m

Information is available from:


