Today all the group members met Dr. Jiang and reported to him about our progress this week. Main achievements of this week are that the background information of several renewable energy resources and microgrids is collected, and the three cases for study are determined and relevant information is collected, and we learned how to use the software Homer Energy to analyse data for a microgrid. All the achievements have been attached to the blog.
However, there are some problems for our project, and Dr. Jiang gave us some advice. He strongly recommended that we record all the progresses in our log books and sort them out to make the ideas clear, which will be quite helpful for our report writing. The mannual of Homer Energy was not closely researched by us, and if we want to finish a good project, it is necessary for us to clearly research the instructions and white papers for this software. Homer Energy is a great software for investigating analysis, optimization and sensitivity for microgrids, and Dr. Jiang recommended us to use it wisely.
After this meeting, we decided to focus on designing and analysing the microgrids based on the different cases, and the title for our project may be changed when we write the report. The most important thing to do for the next step is closely learning the ways of using Homer Energy and then take advantage of it to analyse and optimize our designs.